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Thank you for visiting the Hope Lutheran site!
We believe that it is not by accident that you are here. And it’s important to us that you know, there is a place for you here.
Hope Lutheran Church is a Place to Belong.
We are a Bible-based church family that strives to be The Friendliest Church in L.A.
We believe that everyone needs the grace and peace that comes through the Good News of Jesus. And, know that the journey is better within a warm, friendly, and welcoming community.
We’d love for you to join us for one of our in-person services or online messages through Facebook or YouTube! Or, if you’d like to first get to know us a little better, please know you’re welcome to join us for one of our social or community events (we are excited to pick these up again post-COVID).
One of the things that makes us special is that our Pastor is available to you. If you’d like to grab a cup of coffee or a Zoom chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the church, and they’ll take care of scheduling!
Our worship style varies and is accepting of all people. We believe there are great things we can benefit from--both from traditional as well as contemporary worship--and enjoy them both! From components of liturgy that Christians have treasured for years to styles that are fresh for today, what matters is the heart.
Our primary focus is the truths and promises of God and what they mean for our lives. When you visit us at Hope, the very first thing we want you to know is that it's okay to relax. You can dress casually and comfortably if you'd like, or feel free to wear your "Sunday best!" In summary, come as you are.
Generally, Children’s Church is offered during the message for those aged 2-5, but this has been paused during COVID. Currently, we have ‘quiet bags’ for the younger ones to keep them entertained and engaged throughout the gathering.
We’d love for you to join us here at Hope, as we are, A Place (for you) to Belong.